Haley [Badenhop] Leeper Art + Murals

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Morning Routine for Creatives

Let’s start this off with a bang, here is the perfect way to start your day; My Morning Routine in four easy steps:

  1. Morning Meditation on Spotify

  2. Foreign Language Learning on Duolingo

  3. Yoga Session on YouTube

  4. Goal Writing in my Daily Journal

The best part of this routine? It can be done using all free programs! Heyoooo!

The second best part? It’s designed specifically for ME.

Hold up, this doesn’t mean it can’t also be a perfect morning routine for you, too, but here’s the thing you have to decide on…

What parts of a Routine Motivate You?

A few years ago I heard a whole bunch of podcasters and read lotsa books that told me “a morning routine is the only way to have a successful day.” I believed that and started trying to put together the perfect morning routine (aka a culmination of ev.ery.thing.), but it never helped. It actually made me more stressed and I also beat myself up about falling asleep while meditating and not enjoying it all.

So I took a year off. Yup. 2019 was the year of no morning routine. Nothing. Nada. And do you know what? I had my best year yet! So, why am I starting one back up? Believe me, I had to talk about that to myself, too.

A Morning Routine Works only if it’s what YOU want

After going back and forth whether going back to a routine was smart when I was doing just fine without one, a short Marie Forleo New Year exercise made up my mind. One question asked what I wanted more of next year and it was quick for me to realize I was really missing waking up early and getting some things done early in the morning.

So, for me, it’s not so much about doing the perfect thing to create success, it’s more about doing what sets me up for success personally.

Following someone else’s perfect day wasn’t getting me anywhere. Just like when you try to change someone into something they’re not, I couldn’t use someone else’s tactics to run my life. Instead of more is more, I decided I would choose ONLY what was important to me. Cut the fluff. And that’s how my list of four steps came about.


In the past, I’ve used Headspace and I totally love it, however lately I’ve been using Spotify because my Google Home plays it for me right after the alarm rings - quite convenient!

Foreign Language

In the past could of years, I’ve attempted to learn French and Arabic (anyone guess which country speaks both!?), but I’ve had little luck. On a recent trip to Mexico City, I decided it would be smartest to go back to Spanish since I’ve got the foundations down from high school and there are also tons of countries that speak the language. I used the app Duolingo and t’s been going great!


I never got into going to actual yoga classes, but I totally love online yoga, particularly Boho Beautiful’s Yoga videos. I like to choose a different one each day (she has tons!) based on whatever part of my body feels tight. 20 minutes usually does it for me.

Goal Journal

I’ve always been a goal writer, but Rachel Hollis recently talked about her goal writing practice and I decided to do the same and uplevel my (once or twice per year) technique. For this, each day I write 5 things I’m grateful for, followed by 10 goals I am making come true, followed by one focus for the day.

Create A Routine that Works for You

Feel free to follow my routine or pick and choose, add and subtract, to find something that you are motivated to do and works to bring you closer to your goals!